23 January, 2010


Keira is at the age where she can understand every word I say, but she can't always communicate everything she wants me to know. It makes for a pretty cute time together.

"Keira, where's the remote?" She gets this devilish grin on her face and points with a "mmff!" I asked her about six different times, and she pointed to a different place every time. When I told her she had no clue where it was, she laughed.

For some reason the bathroom door was sticking and I couldn't get it open...so I'm pushing on it and twisting the doorknob like crazy, and her chubby little two-year-old fingers reach up and twist the doorknob just so. The kid's smarter than I am...

She doesn't talk much, but her look clearly said "Aww..aren't I cute! I just threw all the towels on the ground!"

Um, no. Pick them up, my friend.

So she tries to fold them like a big girl. It was pretty darn cute. :)


Abutton said...

Aww... she is adorable!!

Anonymous said...

Totally cute! Do you baby sit her?

Kourtney Ann said...

Aren't children the greatest!!
How old is she?