15 January, 2010

beat the drum! (well, not quite.)

I don't want to make a habit of telling you useless and uninspiring information about my life on my blog -- BUT! I have plans, which I am excited about. So I will take this moment to share them briefly with you.

After I say this next sentence, you all yell and cheer and 'huzzah' like crazy, ok?

I'm a senior.

(Commence general yelling, cheering, and huzzah-ing.)

Yep, that's right. A sure-enough, no-kidding, graduating-in-approximately-four-months-two-weeks-and-one-day senior. That means that I have one more semester of high school, a semester which I am vastly eager about. I am taking two classes online: Psychology and 21st Century Faiths. (I think there will be a third, but I won't know until Tuesday.) Both sound intriguing to me and are subjects about which I am very interested to learn. (I know. It sounds ridiculous. But I couldn't end with a preposition. For Mom's sake.)

Not only that, but both are required by Grace University, where I will be a full-time freshman (it's basically like starting over at the bottom again!) next fall. I would try to convey to you how excited I am about this, but it can't be done. You'll just have to imagine.

So! In a nutshell - study a lot, have a big party, work all summer, and go to college!

Now it's your turn. If you've finished high school, tell me what you were thinking your senior year, and what you did after you graduated. If you haven't yet, tell me what you want to do with your senior year and after that!


Lil red said...

I'm happy for you, but I'm sad your graduating (and a little embarressed that you are graduating before me).

I know you've heard my plans for after I graduate (or at least what I always tell people), but I'm starting to second guess those plans...

Miss Alice said...

Winston Churchill once said, "Ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I shall not put." Your sentence was way less awkward. Thanks for going easy on me. :)

Your life is rolling on to good places in high gear.