25 February, 2010


February is "Return Shopping Carts to the Supermarket Month."

So! Let's all put forth an extra effort for the rest of this month to get those shopping carts back where they belong!

(I am not making this up.)

23 February, 2010


15 February, 2010


Though it was fraught with both peril and embarrassment, I had a mostly decent day keeping the girls last week. I'm just glad Jarod left when he did. :)

Please meet Mr. Wobbly Hoeboken and his co-creator, Laurel.
And this is Miss Lydia, whose attention span hasn't quite gotten to snowman-making caliber yet. So she ate the snow instead.
Watch and Observe. Everything has fun-potential. Even a DiGiorno pizza box.
Before: a hat.
After: a super-duper, cooler-than-ice, fantastically-creative, personalized hat.

After a much-needed nap, Lydia was raring to go. This girl has life. Let's jack up that Hannah Montana and dance!

"Liioiiifeee's what you make it so let's make it ROCK!"
One is calm, focused, and creative. The other is goofy, joyful, and 150% all the time.
I love them both!

14 February, 2010

we're buddies

who take silly buddy-buddy pictures
because when we attempt to take nice ones, they never turn out. See?

I like this buddy a lot.
Ok, I'm done sapping. Sorry about that.
(I guess it's just a sappy day or something.)

12 February, 2010

"sometimes finding You...

...is just like trying to smell the color 9. And nine's not a color. And even if it were you can't smell a color. That's my point exactly."

"I would take no for an answer just to know I heard you speak."

09 February, 2010


When crabbiness is swelling up and threatening to overwhelm you, it is advised that you make a list of 14 things that make you happy.

In short, it's good to give thanks.

Tonight's 14:

- the ability to write (a blessing in disguise?)
- an amazing coat to keep me warm when Dad abruptly flips the heat off.
- an hour and a half in a lovely coffee shop chatting with a friend
- a white mocha coffee (latte? cappuccino? who knows.) at said coffee shop
- fresh salad! (the "tomorrow" part in "eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we diet!" has arrived.)
- Mom said my hair looked like Molly Gibson's!
- hot tea and brownies (did I say something about a diet? I don't remember saying anything about a diet...) to help me push through a tough assignment
- NEURONS!! they make us work!
- the fact that I am single (oh, you don't know how thankful I am. Just get yourself an older sister who has a boyfriend and you'll be thankful too.)
- pink and orange highlighters! ("highlighter: -n. a felt-tip pen with a wide nib for highlighting passages of printed material in a soft, transparent color." Read: a desperate attempt to learn Psychology.)
- Corry Bouc, the best 4-H leader EVER.
- a brand new phone for FREE! (Mom: "I consider that a minor miracle.") And he transferred all my numbers - free.
- how easy it is to pick up a pair of shorts for Dad...I mean seriously! Just grab the right size and go. It's soooo simple!
- a planner which helps me keep track of every event, deadline and otherwise in my life at present.

As a bonus, I just got an assignment back from my professor, and at the bottom he wrote: "I’ve taken the time to give some extra suggestions on your writing and quoting style because I think you have the desire to learn and excel in any way you can. I’m pleased with your work and look forward to seeing more of it."



08 February, 2010

Mom & I assembled a snowman

His name is Hastings, in honor of my current literary love.

06 February, 2010

too plain...too weird...bad color...

Yesterday afternoon KathleenKelly prom-dress shopped. And shopped...and shopped. Annie, Merrill and I went along - I think Kathleen invited us for fun, but we all took the opportunity to voice our expert-ish opinions also.

Sometimes I take a picture, look at it, and whilst heaving a sigh of considerable size I think "oh, if only I could take a picture like Stephanie at Grace Photography...or like Bethany Wissmann....but the harsh-reality truth is that I can't. Although these top-notch photographers probably laugh at my feeble attempts, I like to pretend that I can take pretty pictures.

See? (The secret truth is that I have this really superb camera I bought greatly discounted from my sister, but I can't figure out how to use the darned thing...)

I just think this is funny.

I don't know if we were all crabby, or tired, or what...but nobody looks too overjoyed in this picture. Personally, dress shopping is a great way to spend a Friday afternoon - especially if you're with good friends. :)