03 October, 2009

tonight's 14

On occassion, my sister posts on her blog fourteen current things she happy about. (Yeah, I know it ends in a preposition, but "fourteen things about which she is currently happy?" Um, I think not.) I am muchly thankful tonight, so I am posting my current fourteen things.

-my mom, who must have super powers
-late night chats with Audrey on skype
-positive attitudes
-Meredith Andrews' music
-ponytail holders and bobbypins
-my Abort 73 t-shirt
-kick-butt coworkers
-my invaluable phone =)
-fresh bread

Have any you'd like to add?


Abutton said...

My 14 starts with eight of yours:
-My Mom, who DOES have super powers,
-late night chats with Erica
-positive attitudes
-ponytail holders & bobby pins
-fresh homemade bread
-God working out little details
-flannel sheets
-mitosis & meiosis (absolutely amazing, fill you with awe and wonder!)
-Prince Caspian on CD to listen to while I drive
-my hedgehog

huntinguy said...

Butter to put on the fresh bread!

Lil red said...

Let's see... I'm thankful for:

1. You (thanks for praying for me today!)

2. Pianos (even if I butchered the song I tried to play at church :D)

3. Fun Books (that book you let me borrow from the Columbus library CRACKS me up!!!)

4. The scarf I'm knitting

5. Christ's Love

Anonymous said...

uh-huh. I have a good one to add. How about thankfulness for MY invaluable phone??!?


An Old Fashioned Girl said...

1. Staying up late waiting for parents to come home.
2. Sigwarth's Got Talent
3. Coffee in the morning
4. Friends who can text at work ;-)
5. Faith, Hope and Charity
6. 11 month old babies
7. Days off
8. Fires on chilly days
9. Facebook :-)
10. Little brother's birthdays

marmaladeinstead said...

Mine, too, sounds oddly like yours... :)

-my mom, who must have super powers
-late night chats with Audrey/Erica/Mom on skype
-positive attitudes (positive! mental! attitude! PMA!)
-'Be Thou My Vision' on youtube
-ponytail holders and bobbypins. esp. bobbypins.
-my Maurices jeans
-Goodwill, oh yes!
-meeting new coworkers of mine
-my lame phone, even though i complain about it i should still be thankful...
-laundry soap
-fresh bread (wish i had some)
-friends who make you laugh

Miss Alice said...

Beautiful, amazing, wonderful, creative, real, honest, challenging, vibrant people. Especially the regulars around my breakfast table, past and present.

DaveWick said...

by the way, just wanted to say I wasn't trying to cram a bunch of opinions down your throat earlier... just wanted to share my experience with you for whatever you might get out of it.
God bless,
Kristi W.