15 December, 2009

a quick note...

I honestly have no clue if any of my Facebook friends read my blog, but for the few and far between that just might --

The reason I am nowhere to be found in the Facebook world is because I deactivated my account this afternoon. Why, you ask, would I remove myself - temporarily - from such a wonderful place? Well! Let me tell you!

Tomorrow (TOMORROW, people!!) is the last day of this semester. Take a whopping final, finish up a workbook, and I am outta there, baby! Next semester, I am taking classes from Grace University, and they don't begin until January 19th. This gives me exactly thirty-three days of zero school. I know. I'm rejoicing too.

Not having any demanding school deadlines, I just might be tempted to frivvle away these blissful thirty-three days. This, however, is something I absolutley, 100%, do NOT want to do, as much as I might think I do. If I waste them, they will quickly change from blissful and free to disgruntling and dissatisfying.

By deactivating my Facebook account, I am keeping myself from my stupid self. I am determined to use my precious thirty-three days of freedom wisely. I have a monstrous pile of productive things I want to accomplish, and I am not going to let myself get distracted by Facebook.

So! Email me! I will email you back!

(and just for laughs, here is a picture of my older sister and me in 1994. =)


Sheila said...

You are/were SO CUTE! And what a wise decision, girly. :-)


Anonymous said...

just go ahead and tell me what you wrote on my wall before you deactivated, okay? I was dying to know, and then it disappeared when I finally got all logged in and set to read it.

The Von Eight said...

That makes so much sense! I'm not against facebook at all but I don't have a facebook account for that very reason- my mom and I are afraid that I'll spend a lot of my time doing -pretty much- pointless stuff on the computer. And in my busy life, I don't have time to waste like that. Good thinking girl!

Moriah A. said...

you will be back on facebook though when you start school again right!?!? I like seeing what you have been up to! We can skype instead of facebook chat! Have fun on your break!

Erica said...

Merrill - I really can't remember what I wrote. Probably something like "Man, are you sunburned? or are you always this hot?"

Moriah - yes I shall definitely be back when school starts! And let's do be sure to skype! When are you coming to visit, ma'am? =)

Kourtney Ann said...

I'll e-mail:D

Erica said...

Oh, Kourtney, aren't you just hilarious! ;) Do you have my new email address? I would email it to you but I have no clue what yours is because whenever I try to email you, you NEVER email me back, so I think I must be emailing the wrong address!