17 January, 2010

Always - continuously; without exception.

Philippians 4:4 hit me like a spanking spoon today. Let me explain.

My job is not exactly what I would call fun. In fact, about 75% of the time, it is more 'blah' than 'fun.' It can also be extremely frustrating and tiring. I walked into work today, took once glance at the daily schedule, and immediately started griping. Complaining about coworkers. Grumbling about residents. Rolling my eyes at this or that. It's like I go into automatic grumble-mode when I get to work.

Then, about halfway through my shift, Philippians 4:4 jumped into my mind. And I quote:

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!

*cough* !! *cough* !!

Ummm....right. "Rejoice. Always." And he repeated himself. I've heard that verse a trillion times, but it really hit home today. Like, "Erica!! Wake up!! What are you doing?!"

But why shouldn't I complain? After all, it wasn't fair. It wasn't going to be any fun. And why did it have to be me?? You get the drift. As much as it might've looked to my eyes like I had reason to gripe, there are two simple reasons why I think it is essential for me to cut the complaining.

1. Complaining is simply being ungrateful. Being ungrateful is simply saying that you aren't happy with what God is doing and you think you know a better way. Don't go there. Obviously it is not a good place to be.

2. Complaining drags you down. Because of my personality, I tend to look at a half-empty cup and react, and it's very easy for me to stay in that downward spiral. It's difficult for me to look at that same cup and say "hey! Here is an opportunity for me to overcome my negative tendencies and give thanks!"

It's massively difficult, but that is what I want to do. That's how I want to train myself to be. I so want to have such a mindset of thankfulness, that when I look at a situation, no matter how unpleasant it may seem, I can rejoice that I have an opportunity to bring life and JOY.



Lil red said...

Awesome post Erica. It was a very good reminder!

Lately I've been having to remind myself to be thankful for my lowly jobs simply because it's what God has given me. I tell myself that some people don't even have a job these days, so I need to be thankful. Love you so much!

Abutton said...

You are so right, Erica. I'm working on being thankful, too. To help me keep a positive, thankful attitude, I've been trying to make a list of things that I am thankful for every day. It is amazing what a difference it makes to just stop and recognizing God's faithfulness! :)