12 October, 2009


It's a dreadful phone picture, but these are red glasses that I drew on my hand this morning. I got the idea from my mom, who used to draw a pair of glasses on her hand every single day. Why?

Every time I glance down at my hand today, I will remember to ask the question: "where is my focus?" As humans, our thoughts are continually flitting this way and that, with little focus. Or, we tend to focus on the negative. (At least I do!) Instead of telling our minds what to think, we listen to whatever our minds happen to be thinking. Today, I want to be aware of what I am focusing on, and I want to focus on what is pure and good and moves me forward instead of holding me back.

"Focus on your potential, instead of your limitations." -Alan Loy McGinnis


Anonymous said...

Good idea!

Lil red said...

Nice. You didn't take that picture while you were driving, did you?

CAN YOU PLEASE GIVE ME MY EARINGS BACK? Those are one of my favorite pairs; please bring it on Wednesday.

What do you think of the name "Heather" for your baby guinea pig? I think Hallie and Heather sounds cute.

Erica said...

Of *course* will give you your earrings back...I'm not sure why you thought you had to write than in all caps...I wouldn't keep them!!

Lil red said...

Well I didn't want you to forget about it, so that's why I had to write in all caps. I figured you'd give them back, it was just a matter of when... :P

Elizabeth J. said...


Sheila said...

That's a really good idea! :-)