22 August, 2009

on reading good books

Margaret never reads a book twice - she adamently told me that last night. I don't blame her...who could force themselves to hack through one of those trashy horror/romance novels a second time? Not I, hopefully not you, and not even Margaret, who has one clutched in her fingers every day she comes to work. (Some of those authors oughta be fined...but anyway!!)

Get your hands on a good book, and you can read and reread without it losing any of the excitement and fun enjoyed during previous readings. The Scarlet Pimpernel is one such book. I have read it multiple times over the past few years, and love it every time. Last night after work I curled up with a candy bar and my well worn and adored copy. When the forecast for the next day (including a list of jobs left by mom and 8 hours of work) forced itself into the back of my mind an hour later, I reluctantly put down my book. You can guess where I will be tonight after I get off work...!

A word to the wise: Read the Scarlet Pimpernel. After you've digested it's excellent plot and witty writing, devour the sequels. They're nearly as delightful. And after a year or two, I'd suggest reading The Scarlet Pimpernel again - you'll have forgotten some of the spicey details.

(Oh, and don't forget to recommend it to Margaret...she could use a good book recommendation, IMHO.)


Lil red said...

Lol. Poor Margret; she's really missing out!!

There are sequels to The Scarlet Pimpernel? That's one of my favorite books, but I didn't know there was/were sequels.

An Old Fashioned Girl said...

There are TONS of sequels, and prequels, and plays, musicals and movies, and spin-offs etc...

Good book.

Great book.


Elizabeth J. said...

I've never read the Sacrlet Pimpernel but I probably should. By the way, I arrived here from Moriah's blog. Feel free to drop by my blogspot.

Kourtney Ann said...

I LLLLOOOOVVVVEEEEE The Scarlet Pimpernel!
It is one of my all time fave's!!
But, even more then the book, I love the great friend who gave it to me!!