11 July, 2009

free rice

I love this site:

There are multitudes of questions in several different categories, and for each question you answer correctly, ten grains of rice are donated through the UN World Food Program to help end world hunger. The categories include Art, Chemistry, English, Geography, Language Learning, and Math. My favorites so far are English, Spanish, and Basic Math.

Under the English category, the words begin relatively easy and then become more challenging. I really enjoy attempting to pick apart a word when I don't know the definition. Example: specular. Specular sounds a bit like spectrum, which has to do with light. One of the options for specular was mirror-like, and mirrors have to do with light, so...I was correct! Specular=pertaining to or having the properties of a mirror. I think I should study Latin...

Identify Countries on a map is hard! My geography is extremely rusty, and Free Rice is a fun way to work on sharpening it up!

And, I have now donated 640 grains of rice to the UN World Food Program!


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