25 September, 2009

Laura - a quick movie review

A murder mystery made in the forties?! I'm in!

Laura did not disappoint. Robin and I watched it this evening, and I loved it! Laura, a beautiful career-girl, is suddenly murdered. As Detective McPherson sets out to find the murderer, he finds that Laura had numerous lovers. Some dedicated, some perhaps not-so-dedicated. They all have their stories and alibies, but who is for real? As McPherson tries to unwind the mystery, he finds his own feelings getting tangled up with the murdered girl. Between hitting a dead end and his personal thoughts, how will he solve this mystery?

And then. It breaks open.

yay murder mysteries!


Kourtney Ann said...

Hmm! Sounds mysterious:D

Anonymous said...

What is the movie called?

Erica said...


Elizabeth J. said...

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